Utilities – Water, Sewer, Solid Waste: The City of Port St Joe Utility Department, Cecil G. Costin, Sr., Blvd., Port St Joe, FL 32456, Tel: 850-229-8261.
St Joe Gas Company – Natural Gas: 303 Long Ave, Port St Joe, FL, Tel: 850-229-8216, Fax: 850-229-8392, After Hours: 850-340-1766
Duke Energy – Power: 10011 US-98, Port St Joe, FL 32456, Tel: 800-700-8744. Report a power outage: 800-228-8485
Mediacom: Sunset Village has contracted with Mediacom for a bulk internet account which requires a 5 year contract. This is for a 1GB service plan (internet only). If you would like to join the account (this is optional as you can contact them directly for TV, phone and other internet packages) please email the board at sunsetvillagepsj@gmail.com. Mediacom Tel: 888-280-0634
Consolidated Communications – TV, Phone, DSL Internet: Tel: 844-968-7224